Frequently Asked Questions – Developer Edition

Here we will post up some of the frequently asked questions about code development in the hopes that it might answer some questions of our developers without the need for further questioning.

  • How do I manually set the batch size?
    • Great question! It is sometimes helpful to force a batch loop on data that is quite small as you want to check that everything is working with the batching. This can be done quite simply in the memory manager module in the get_batch_size method. In this method you will see the following lines:

      per_configuration_memory = self.scale_function(per_configuration_memory, **self.scale_function_parameters)
      maximum_loaded_configurations = int(np.clip((self.memory_fraction * self.machine_properties['memory']) /
                                                  per_configuration_memory, 1, n_columns))
      batch_size = self._get_optimal_batch_size(maximum_loaded_configurations)
      number_of_batches = int(n_columns / batch_size)
      remainder = int(n_columns % batch_size)
      self.batch_size = batch_size
      self.n_batches = number_of_batches
      self.remainder = remainder

      When you want to set the number of batches, simply set the variable batch size underneath the line

      batch_size = self._get_optimal_batch_size(maximum_loaded_configurations)

      This will set the batch size correctly and update the number of batches attribute for you.