mdsuite.utils.neighbour_list module

MDSuite: A Zincwarecode package.


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mdsuite.utils.neighbour_list.get_neighbour_list(positions: Tensor, cell=None, batch_size=None) Tensor[source]

Generate the neighbour list.

  • positions (tf.Tensor) – Tensor with shape (n_confs, n_atoms, 3) representing the coordinates

  • cell (list) – If periodic boundary conditions are used, please supply the cell dimensions, e.g. [13.97, 13.97, 13.97]. If the cell is provided minimum image convention will be applied!

  • batch_size (int) – Has to be evenly divisible by the the number of configurations.


  • generator object which results all distances for the current batch of time steps

  • To get the real r_ij matrix for one time_step you can use the following – r_ij_mat = np.zeros((n_atoms, n_atoms, 3)) r_ij_mat[np.triu_indices(n_atoms, k = 1)] = get_neighbour_list(*args) r_ij_mat -= r_ij_mat.transpose(1, 0, 2)

mdsuite.utils.neighbour_list.get_triplets(full_r_ij: Tensor, r_cut: float, n_atoms: int, n_batches=200, disable_tqdm=True) Tensor[source]

Compute the triple indices within a cutoff.

Mostly vectorized method to compute the triples inside the cutoff sphere. Therefore a matrix of all possible distances r_ijk over all timesteps (n_timesteps, n_atoms, n_atoms, n_atoms) is constructed. The first layer is identical to the r_ij matrix, all consecutive layers are shifted along the “j” axis which leads to the full r_ijk matrix.

To check for a triple, the depth can be converted into the third particle, yielding an index over all ijk indices

  • full_r_ij (tf.Tensor) – The full distance matrix (r_ij and r_ji) with the shape (n_timesteps, n_atoms, n_atoms)

  • r_cut (float) – The cutoff for the maximal triple distance

  • n_atoms (int) – Number of atoms

  • n_batches (int) – Number of batches to split the computation of the triples in. A low number of batches can result in memory issues.

Return type:



Using the @tf.function decorator can speed things up! But it can also lead to memory issues.


Version of np.triu_indices with k=1.


  • Returns a vector of size (2, None) instead of a tuple of two values like

  • np.triu_indices